Cornell的全稱是Cornell University的Operations Research and Information Engineering,即康奈爾大學(xué)運籌學(xué)與信息工程,下面將詳細(xì)介紹Cornell的的項目特點/院系介紹、Cornell的的研究領(lǐng)域、Cornell的的研究生申請要求。
The Master of Engineering is a full-time professionally oriented program building on traditional math, scientific, and engineering skills but focusing closely on the application of these skills.
Its objectives are to provide each student greater breadth and depth of technical knowledge and to provide an environment in which to synthesize and apply material studied in the coursework.
Students are not required to complete a thesis. They are required to complete an engineering design project through which they have the opportunity to work closely with practicing engineers or analysts and with Cornell faculty members. The projects are usually provided and sponsored by industrial, financial, or government organizations.
Students are expected to perform all aspects of the project work, from problem formulation to communication of project results. The project is similar to a professional activity in which creativity and a variety of techniques are applied to a problem that may not be clearly stated at the start rather than like a course in which an assigned body of material must be mastered.
1、Applied Operations Research
2、Data Analytics
3、Financial Engineering
4、Information Technology
5、Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering
6、Strategic Operations
7、Systems Engineering
托??偡?0分以上(M.Eng總分100分以上),寫作、聽力、閱讀和口語分別不低于20、15、20和22分,GRE均分334.28分以上,閱讀、數(shù)學(xué)和寫作均分分別不低于162、168和4.28分(M.Eng 334.5分以上,閱讀、數(shù)學(xué)和寫作分別不低于165、166和3.5分),GPA平均3.9以上(M.Eng GPA平均2.7以上),學(xué)費 $29,500/年(M.Eng $47,050/年),申請截止日期1月5日(M.Eng申請截止日期12月1日)