UNC的全稱是University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill的Economics,即北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校經(jīng)濟學,下面將詳細介紹UNC的的項目特點/院系介紹、UNC的的研究領域、UNC的的研究生申請要求。
The University offers both a Masters of Science and a PhD in Economics, but the Economics Department does not offer separate Masters and PhD level classes. Thus, our Masters students must have the backgrounds to do PhD level course work. Many of the students in our Masters program were previously admitted to a Ph.D. or professional program at UNC. For example, students in the Finance Ph.D. program at UNC often enter our Masters program and earn a Masters of Science in Economics along with a PhD in Finance. We admit Masters students who are not in other UNC programs, but, as mentioned, the students must have very strong backgrounds in economics and mathematics.
1、Health Economics
2、International Trade and Development
3、 Labor Economics
4、Microeconomic Theory/Industrial Organization
5、Monetary and Open Economy Macroeconomics