
指南者留學(xué) 2022-02-20 08:04:13





專業(yè)英文名: MBA

學(xué)   制:2.00 年

學(xué)   費(fèi):商業(yè)管理學(xué)




領(lǐng)   域:商業(yè)管理學(xué)



美國(guó)芝加哥大學(xué)工商管理碩士課程將使學(xué)生的職業(yè)登上一個(gè)新的臺(tái)階。工商管理碩士側(cè)重于分析問題,提出深刻的見解,并實(shí)施創(chuàng)造性的解決方案。 美國(guó)芝加哥大學(xué)工商管理碩士課程的特點(diǎn)如下: 設(shè)置靈活-不僅僅有必修課程,學(xué)生還可以根據(jù)自己的職業(yè)目標(biāo)來規(guī)劃自己的課程。這些靈活的課程可以使學(xué)生獲得雇主看重的深度的知識(shí)和技能。 體驗(yàn)式學(xué)習(xí)-學(xué)生通過體驗(yàn)學(xué)習(xí)將有機(jī)會(huì)加強(qiáng)理論與實(shí)踐之間的聯(lián)系。學(xué)生在實(shí)踐中獲得的技能和知識(shí),將為學(xué)生在商業(yè)領(lǐng)域從事領(lǐng)導(dǎo)工作做準(zhǔn)備。 課堂對(duì)話-不要期望填鴨式教學(xué)或有規(guī)律可循。辯論和討論是工商管理碩士的主要方式。教授和同學(xué)會(huì)向您提出問題,您需要積極的陳述觀點(diǎn)和事實(shí),從而提出新的解決方案。 與大學(xué)的學(xué)術(shù)聯(lián)系-通過我們的聯(lián)合學(xué)位課程,通過與其他大學(xué)著名的課程相結(jié)合,可以提升您的工商管理碩士的價(jià)值。 Booth's culture will prepare you for business at a new level. You'll experience an academic program that features: An emphasis on analyzing problems, generating key insights, and implementing creative solutions - We stress the importance of asking questions and examining ideas. You'll gain a superior ability and confidence to handle situations where there are no predetermined answers. Flexible curriculum - With only one required course, you can design a program to meet your career goals. Our flexible curriculum gives you the ability to target the depth of knowledge and skills a potential employer will value. Experiential learning - You'll have the chance to strengthen the connection between theory and practice with experiential learning. Testing the skills and knowledge you've gained in a practical setting will stretch and prepare you for business leadership. Dialogue in the classroom - Don't expect to be fed information or given rules to follow. Debate and discussion are the principal modes of learning at Chicago Booth. You'll be asked by your professors and your peers to take an active role in uncovering the ideas and facts that will lead you to new solutions. An academic connection with the University - Chicago Booth is part of one of the greatest research institutions in the world - the University of Chicago. Through our joint degree programs, you can increase the value of your MBA by combining it with a degree from one of the University's other world-renowned programs. Our 13 concentrations build off these fundamentals and allow you to develop


美國(guó)芝加哥大學(xué)工商管理碩士課程入學(xué)要求: 學(xué)術(shù)要求: 大學(xué)本科畢業(yè),擁有學(xué)士學(xué)位,GPA不低于3分 語言要求:雅思總分不低于7分,各單科不少于7分,托??偡植坏陀?04分,各單科不少于26分 All candidates must have completed an undergraduate program at an accredited United States college or university or its equivalent in another country. Documentation of your education will be required as part of the application for admission. All candidates must take and submit results from the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). We do not have a minimum required GMAT or GRE score to be considered for admission. TOEFL Paper test minimum score 600 Internet-based test (iBT) 104 IELTS Minimum 7 PTE Academic Minimum 70 Application Checklist: A complete submission will consist of the following items: Completed application with required personal background Completed essay questions Professional resume Two letters of recommendation Unofficial (scanned) transcripts from all post-secondary educational institutions attended. Note: Official transcripts are requested from admitted students only. GMAT or GRE score TOEFL, IELTS or PTE scores (international applicants only) $250 application fee 美國(guó)芝加哥大學(xué)工商管理碩士課程申請(qǐng)材料: 畢業(yè)證、學(xué)位證掃描件 成績(jī)單(在校成績(jī)、語言成績(jī)) 個(gè)人陳述 銀行存款證明 翻譯件(所有中文申請(qǐng)材料的翻譯件,并加蓋公章) 2-3封推薦信


美國(guó)芝加哥大學(xué)工商管理碩士課程設(shè)置: 財(cái)務(wù)會(huì)計(jì);微觀經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué);統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué) Foundation Courses (3 courses) Financial Accounting Microeconomics Statistics


美國(guó)芝加哥大學(xué)工商管理碩士課程就業(yè)方向: 學(xué)生畢業(yè)后就業(yè)范圍廣泛,如財(cái)務(wù)管理,企業(yè)管理,市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷,人力資源管理,或企事業(yè)單位及政府部門從事會(huì)計(jì)事務(wù)以及教學(xué)、科研方面的工作。

芝加哥大學(xué) 工商管理碩士



大陸本科 海外本科
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